When you are living by yourself, eating on a budget is a balancing act that takes a while to perfect. The reality of the situation is that, yes, you can save money by making your own meals.
Winter is usually when we Netflix & Freeze Our Asses Off for an extended period of time. Although, because we live in Canada, there are actually a lot of winter activities available that can get us […]
There is no underestimating how exhausting and time consuming it is to be a student. Balancing school work and classes with a part-time job and life tasks like cleaning can feel impossible — but […]
Reading week is upon us and you know what that means: a deserved break from school. Because most students still have school work during this week, you can’t exactly hop on a plane and go on vacation […]
When you move away from home to live on your own and attend a new school in a city you’ve never lived in before, there are a lot of stresses and concerns. Don’t let your safety be one of those […]
When you pair tuition and textbook fees with food and toiletry costs, you realize that being a student leaves little room in the budget for fun things.Friday night dinners, coffees, clothes and take […]
Everyone always says how liberating it is to live away from home — but does anyone ever talk about how hard it can be? Chances are, when you start living by yourself you will be living in your own […]
Nina Dobrev, Mike Meyers and more went to Ryerson, Margaret Atwood and Malcolm Gladwell went to U of T — there are a lot of famous alumni of Canadian universities. What you may not know, is that a […]
It is hard enough leaving home to start a new life in a new city, at a school you don’t know anyone at. Throw in having to hunt for a new place, and you’ve reached almost the of peak university […]
The winter break is packed with many celebrations and spontaneous catch-ups with friends. This makes for a great time, but also gets you used to a lack of structure or planning. It’s always fun […]