It’s that time again— the school year is upon us. This means a lot of things; a little less sleep, a lot more coffee, and let’s be honest -- the same amount of Netflix. With school starting up, we're having pretty familiar feelings. After all, there are some things (and emotions) we can count on happening every single year.
Strict teachers and early wake up times are no one’s favourite things, but there is something to be said about reuniting with friends you didn’t see all summer, and that rush you get when you stock up on new school supplies. We compiled a list of memes that perfectly capture everything we experience each and every time we head back into the school season.
1) Getting yourself pumped up for the new school year

(Via TheOdysseyOnline)
2) When time is relevant again

(Via HeadlineScienceNow)
3) All of the school supplies

(Via Winkgo)
4) Socialization!

(Via mustudentlife)
5) Surprise surprise

(Via memesbarns)
6) We all need that extra push around this time

(Via UniPlaces)
7) Some of us like to get organized

(Via headlinesciencenow)
8) Icebreakers? No thank you

(Via WeKnowMemes)
9) The incessant questions, EVERY SINGLE TIME.

(Via Clever)
10) Meeting those new teachers

11) School supply shopping, it’s the most wonderful time of the year!

(Via FunFreshIdeas)
12) Old habits die hard

(Via theodysseyonline)
13) Let’s be real, the time has come

(Via Imgflip)
14) When you can’t remember half the people in your program

(Via Reddit)
15) Trying to write your first assignment back

(Via cheezburger)
16) Feeling like it’s the first week back and you have time for everything

(Via Buzzfeed)
Which meme do you relate to most? Let us know on any of our social media channels!