With assignments due and midterm dates coming up fast, we’re sure you’re thankful for this break! It’s time to stop binge-watching your favorite shows and get some real work done. Here are some ways you can actually be productive during the final days of reading week while still relaxing.
Get Organized
It is always good to have a plan (of course, not the John McClane type Die Hard plan) for your reading week. First, make a to-do list of all the pending assignments, then prioritize them in order of importance or due dates. We suggest the old-school hand-written list, mostly because of the satisfaction of actually crossing things off.
Moreover, it is essential to set realistic deadlines. For example, if you are writing a lengthy report, break it down into components that you can finish each day. After that, you can reward yourself with an episode of your current binge obsession. The classic equation of effort and reward will set the tone for the rest of your reading week.
Take a break!
It’s okay to take a break every now and then. Try setting parameters for your break time, so there is a clear beginning and end, and so you don’t completely derail from studying. Schedule your day so that you study for an hour or two, and then

take a break to watch ONE 30-minute episode of something on Netflix. Or get up and stretch your legs, go for a walk, rest your eyes from staring at a screen. Meet a friend for lunch so you can return to your subject of study reinvigorated and ready to refocus. You get the Idea.
We find taking productive breaks, such as a break from studying to watch a youtube video, or maybe to do some dishes or catch up on email, it’s easier to step back into study mode, and you won't completely be disrespectful to your own time.
Enjoy your free time off
Think about it you survived six weeks of the first semester, it's time that you reward yourself by having a “Me Day” (or week).
By taking time for yourself, you will feel more refreshed when you come back after reading week and probably be more productive than if you were studying like crazy the entire time. Everybody deserves a break, including you! So remember to take time of reading week to enjoy with your family, catch up with your high school friends, or visit your neighbourhood.
Ultimately, there’s no secret for a successful or productive reading week. Remember that you are human and things may not go as planned, so don’t feel too guilty if you don’t get anywhere near as much as what you’d like to get done. Getting something done while catching up with people and relaxing is good in itself, and if you can at least check one thing off your list then you should feel accomplished.