Rez-One Blog

How To Have Fun On A Budget In Waterloo

Written by Rez One Team | Feb 6, 2019 6:45:00 PM

When you pair tuition and textbook fees with food and toiletry costs, you realize that being a student leaves little room in the budget for fun things.

Friday night dinners, coffees, clothes and take out lunches add up quick, which is why it’s key to find some fun things to do that won’t break the bank!

Here are some ways students can have fun and socialize without spending too many dollars:


St. Jacobs Farmer’s Market

Grocery shopping can be tedious, lonely, and expensive — but it doesn't have to be! Round up a group of friends and head over to the St. Jacobs Farmers Market for a couple of hours!

Make a day out of it and hit up the market for fruits, veggies and other budget-friendly eats — then reconvene at a friends suite for some relaxation and some catching up.

Do A Bike Ride Along The Forwell Trail

If the weather is agreeable, rent a bike or bring your own down to Waterloo’s Forwell Trail! It’s always good to get outside for some physical activity and fresh air.

There’s nothing like setting a date with a friend to get you motivated to get out and about and experience a fun, free thing Waterloo has to offer. Check out the Forwell Trail and you will surely be more inclined to check out the other parks and trails the city has to offer.

Hit Up a Festival

Waterloo consistently has festivals going on throughout the year, so definitely stay updated! The City of Waterloo does a really good job of keeping its site updated with the month's events so find a festival or event, send the link to your BFF, and save the date to go out!

There are so many to choose from, from Winterloo (Waterloo’s cold weather festival) to Final Fridays (a monthly arts, culture and cuisine event). We promise that whatever your interests are, there is a festival for you in any given month. These events are usually free and are the perfect way to get out and experience the city.

Games Night at Crossroads Board Game Cafe

Board game cafes are a new trend that we can definitely get behind. Waterloo has plenty of its own board game cafes, including Games On Tap and Crossroads Board Game Cafe.

You can go to a board game cafe every couple of months and feel a little less guilty about splitting nachos if sometimes you host your own games night at home!

Games can get expensive but if you and your friends all chip in to buy a new game every month, you’ll create a collection in no time without having to empty your wallet.

Friday Night Potluck Dinner

We know what you are thinking, groceries and food are expensive to cook for friends — but did you know that stores like Sobeys and Zehrs actually offer student discounts on select days?

It’s so easy and tempting to meet friends over dinner and drinks on a Friday night — but that s*** is expensive. Try skipping the restaurant and have a potluck dinner at home instead! Pick one person to host every Friday, and everyone who isn’t the host can bring a dish.

If one person brings a salad, another brings a pasta, another makes an easy meat dish, and someone else bakes cookies for dessert, you’ve got your Friday night dinner covered.